Nautilcal Bowls
The Nautical Bowls franchise team has over 20 years of franchise experience, growing multiple franchise concepts spanning 28 countries and 6,000 locations. In two minutes or less, we serve up açai bowls packed with superfoods containing essential vitamins and nutrients. We are not only the most affordable açai concept
in the space, our stores on average drop 22% to the bottom line.
There’s a lack of true healthy food options on-the-go. We know it is difficult to find a quick meal without compromising your healthy lifestyle. At Nautical Bowls, we combine healthy, fresh superfood bowls and with an uplifting atmosphere to create incredible customer satisfaction.
Our bowls are all-natural, gluten-free, dairy-free, plant-based, and packed with essential vitamins and nutrients for your body to thrive!
It’s a complete meal that satisfies hunger while also making you feel great!
With the guidance of our experienced executive team, raving guest testimonials, low-cost startup plan, highly profitable business model, and exceptional marketing support, Nautical Bowls is an incredible ground floor opportunity!
in the space, our stores on average drop 22% to the bottom line.
There’s a lack of true healthy food options on-the-go. We know it is difficult to find a quick meal without compromising your healthy lifestyle. At Nautical Bowls, we combine healthy, fresh superfood bowls and with an uplifting atmosphere to create incredible customer satisfaction.
Our bowls are all-natural, gluten-free, dairy-free, plant-based, and packed with essential vitamins and nutrients for your body to thrive!
It’s a complete meal that satisfies hunger while also making you feel great!
With the guidance of our experienced executive team, raving guest testimonials, low-cost startup plan, highly profitable business model, and exceptional marketing support, Nautical Bowls is an incredible ground floor opportunity!